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  • (714) 933-1383

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  • 9am-6pm

Ductless Mini Split Installation and Service

When it comes to heating and air conditioning units, there are quite a few options to choose from, which can leave some homeowners confused and unsure as to which system is right for their home. Air Conditioning and Heating prices are a huge factor in selecting a system, but aside from the price, many do not have enough information about residential heating systems and cooling systems to make a wise choice. If you are considering a ductless mini-split air conditioning system in the Cerritos area, here are some of the biggest advantages:

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Ductless System Advantages

Individual Zone Control

Not every room in your house is going to need the same amount of cooling. If someone is not in that room or it does not receive as much sun as other rooms, you want to be able to adjust those zones so that you do not waste energy cooling those areas. Most heating and cooling wall units allow you this kind of control.

Low-Cost Installation

AC installation for a ductless mini-split air conditioner is usually much less expensive than a ducted system. While they may have some of the same components, the simpler, more effective system can be easily and cheaply installed in a home that does not have existing ductwork.

Energy Efficient

If you are trying to save money on your power bills or simply want to decrease the size of your carbon footprint, a ductless system is the best option for you. These systems are much more energy-efficient than systems with ducts. Less cooled air leaks out of the system, so cooler air reaches your rooms, and the air conditioner uses less power to cool that air and get it where you want it to go.

Easy to Repair

Many homeowners dread calling AC repair, believing that the process will be long, expensive, and tedious. A ductless system has fewer components and is, therefore, less likely to need to repair and less expensive to fix.

Ductless Air Conditioning & Heating Service

If your ductless split system is not working contact us right away. 

Our experienced technicians will diagnose your system and provide you with the proper repair solutions. We are an experienced and reliable AC and Heating repair service company.

Ductless AC & Heating Maintenance

Proper maintenance of your ductless split system is important if you want to prevent costly repairs in the future. We provide air conditioning maintenance services that give you peace of mind. Keep in mind that when the ductless split system is not functioning at full capacity, it becomes less efficient. As a result, your electricity bills are higher compared to a well-maintained air conditioning unit.

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